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Experiment 3: Poem

They see you stare, you know.

Pair of eyes after pair of eyes

Turning heads and raised brows as they

Feel terrorized,

Overwhelmed by the light,


And they cry or scream

Or rock on their feet

Because their head is about to explode

Or that’s what it seems like

When the light is too bright

Or the sounds are too loud.

Sometimes the world is so big

That the only solution

Is beating their head against a wall

Smashing and striking until the sounds

Sink away

Like screams into a pillow.

So yeah, they see you.

It’s hard not to

When you turn your body around

All the way

And say

‘What’s wrong with him?”

And we all hear you

When you turn back around

And call your friend a retard

Because she scratched her skin or tripped

Or say that the game is retarded

After you failed to win.

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